My lord this was a hard thing for me to do. I have so, so many photos that I love, that I took this year. This year was life changing for in respect to photography. I decided to take my hobby to the next level, and start a business. I have been digging deep and trying to learn the ends and outs and truly understand my equipment, my tools and resources. I've been on the path to finding and creating my style. I feel like I am getting close. Again, it was EXTREMELY hard for me to pick one photo that I thought was my best. So, I hope you like the one I chose....I chose this one, because I love what has been captured here. A proud Mommy and Daddy, whose family is growing. And this sweet little boy, who is so intrigued by what's going on with Mom and Dad! I just love everything about this photo.
This photo was entered into I Heart Faces Photo Challenge
Don't forget to add our button so that we can pass this beautiful photo on to the judge!