Friday, June 1, 2012

7 Day Cleanse

So, today I started a 7 day, cleanse/detox diet.  It should be interesting, to say the least. 

I have seen a few variations of this diet floating around on the internet. However, I was skeptical because it didn't seem like I would be getting to enough to eat! I really wanted to know why certain foods were allowed on certain days, and what it was doing for me. I did a bit of research and found two sources most helpful.  The first is where I got most of this information, explaining the diet thoroughly.  The second source has a really awesome graphic chart to help you visualize, you can find it and print it off here. That website also has Q&As about the diet.

The first website allows you to eat the "Wonder Soup" each day.  The second website only allows the soup on the last day. I am choosing to follow the first website (recommended by the second site).  The "Wonder Soup" (recipe listed below) is to help fill you up, carving your appetite.  I can already tell you I'm going to want that soup, as I've been sitting here munching on nothing but fruit for the past 3 hours.

I am not a doctor, I have not discussed this diet with a doctor. I found all of my information from the following two sources.

My 7 Day Diet

justin and ashley refresh

"Wonder Soup"

This is a vegetable soup rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals and can be consumed in unlimited quantities throughout the 7 day period
64 oz water (add more if needed)
6 large onions
2 green peppers
3 whole tomatoes
1 cabbage
1bunch of celery - add herbs and seasonings as desired

You must consume 8 glasses of water a day, no alcohol, sodas, coffee, or engery drinks.

Eat all the fruits you want, except bananas.

The first day starts with fruit because it is a natural way to normalize the body and prepare
it for the upcoming days of the diet.

Fruits have multiple benefits–they are fat free and are low in calories compared to other foods most of us normally eat. Fruits also flush out the system thereby enhancing the detox process.

You can eat a variety of fruit. Melons such as watermelon and cantaloupe are especially good to eat since they are filling. You can also have the "Wonder Soup".
Either stir-fry or salads. Start the day with one baked or boiled potato to make up for loss of energy from Day One. Up to one teaspoon of olive oil can be used as salad dressing today.

This day starts off with a baked potato since all you have had the previous day is fruit which is easily digested. The potato ensures you have the energy for the day as well as energy to continue to remain on the diet. The vegetables you will eat today are for fiber as well as nutrition. Vegetables have a moderate quantity of carbohydrates–but more importantly, they are rich in minerals and vitamins. The fiber activates your system for the detox process.

Eat as many vegetables as you can today. You can also have the "wonder soup". Because of the variety of flavors and textures that vegetables offer, this day should not be difficult. Vegetables can be steamed or lightly stir-fried. (See more info on website)
FRUITS & VEGETABLESEat as much as you want, no bananas and no potatoes

Day 3 is an effective way of combining days 2 and 3 and getting the benefits of both days. Your body chemistry is changing because you are not getting any refined carbohydrates, saturated fats, excessive sodium and artificial flavor enhancers and additives. Your body is getting completely natural nutrition–which will optimize the weight loss process.

Start the day with fruit. Not only is fruit a great way to start your day even when you are off the diet, it is a great way to get some natural sugar into your body for energy for Day 3. Eat any fruits of your choice except bananas. For lunch, have a mixed salad with a balsamic and oil dressing (using no more than on teaspoon olive oil). Alternatively, you can have the vegetable stir-fry(from Day 2). Don’t forget to eat the "wonder soup" whenever you want.


You can eat up to 9 bananas and 3 glasses of skim milk to resetore potassium levels.

Day 4 is meant to make up for the reduced levels of calcium (from milk), potassium (from bananas) and carbohydrates and fiber (from bananas). Although you are allowed to have 8 bananas today, you might not have the craving to eat all the bananas.

Remember, in addition to bananas and milk, you can also have "Wonder Soup" today. Start your day off with 2 bananas and a glass of milk. For lunch, have a bowl or two of the soup. Have a banana as your desert for lunch and dinner.

You can have a piece of meat/fish either grilled or baked for lunch and dinner with tomatoes. Today you are making up for all of the protein in your system. The meat will give you protein and if you eat fish, you will get Omega 3 Fatty acids which do wonders for health. The tomatoes give you fiber and minerals. They also aid in flushing out the system.

Start your day with Wonder Soup or slices of tomatoes with salt and pepper. For lunch and dinner you can grill or bake the meat/fish/tofu. You can have this with the "wonder soup". Try to eat cold water fish such as Salmon or Tuna–both of these are excellent sources of protein and contain the high levels of Omega 3 Fatty acids beneficial to the body. Omega 34 Fatty acids are one of the few compounds that the human body does not produce on its own hence it is essential to get it from an external source. Remember to eat 6-8 fresh tomatoes today.

Same as Day 5 except, add more vegetables either in salad or stir-fry form. Eat as many vegetables instead of restricting yourself to tomatoes.

You can eat your meat/fish/salmon with vegetables and "Wonder Soup". By now, your body si well under way with the weight loss and you will notice a difference in the way you feel and how your clothes fit today.

Today, you can eat fruits, vegetables and vegetables juices. Brown rice is optional but not recommended if you want to see weight loss.

In order to make sure you end on a high note achieving your target of weight loss coupled with a full body detox, you must follow this last day carefully. Start your day with an assortment of fruit. You can also snack on fruit throughout the day. For lunch you can eat a salad. You can also have unlimited quantities of vegetable juices–green juice with spinach, kale, watercress and ginger or carrot juice with wheatgrass. The juices do wonders for detox as well as provide high quality concentrated nutrition. For dinner, you can either eat fruits or a salad with "Wonder Soup".

CONGRATULATIONS! You did it! Not only should you have dropped a few lbs, but you should feel accomplished, rejuvenated and great!
I am not a doctor, I have not discussed this diet with a doctor. I found all of my information from the following two sources.  
My 7 Day Diet

justin and ashley refresh

We'll see how the days go, and hopefully by Day 7 I will have lost around 10lbs (my goal)! I'll let you know!!

xoxo - Amanda Consume an assortment of fruits, vegetables and vegetable juices. Half a cup of brown rice is optional–but not recommended. You are now on your last day of the diet. You might feel a little weak this morning because your body has not consumed too much carbohydrate in the last two days.

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